An Authors' Handbook
An Authors' Handbook by David Bolt. Practically anything anybody tells you about writing and publishing will be riddled with half-truths; which is what makes it interesting. For a start, no two authors work in quite the same way. There are those who really need the undistracted quiet of a summerhouse (or shed) at the bottom of the garden - like Bernard Shaw - or who rent an office, preferably without a telephone; those who scribble away happily in trains during the rush hour, or surrounded by rampaging children with the television going full blast; some emulate Anthony Trollope who rose in the ungodly small hours to pen pages and pages before going off to do a day's work at the Post Office; and some who run up the electricity bill throughout the night and descend at lunchtime the following day (being presumably otherwise unemployed).
Author:Bolt, David
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:Piatkus Publishers, London
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:1986