Teaching Needlecraft: A Handbook for the Beginning
Teaching Needlecraft: A Handbook for the Beginning Instructor by Rosemary Cornelius, Peg Doffek and Sur Hardy. 'If you're an experienced needlecrafter, you've probably thought about teaching but don't know where to begin. Here is a book that makes it easier. It provides complete guidelines for the beginning teacher in four areas of needlecraft - Crewel Embroidery, Needlepoint, Counted Cross Stitch, and Patchwork and Quilting. This practical handbook gives you detailed lesson plans, sampler patterns, and a wealth of hints and suggestions. Based on the authors' many years of experience, the ideas in this book are designed to put you at ease in the classroom by telling you what to teach and how to teach it. A VERY LARGE BOOK THAT WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL FREIGHT.
Author:Cornelius, Rosemary (et al)
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Location:Craft B
Publish Date:1979