Steam Through the Port Hills. Second Enlarged Edition
Steam Through the Port Hills. Second Enlarged Edition Published by the Canterbury Branch of New Zealand Railway Locomotive Society. "Steam through the Port Hills" has a threefold significance. In the first place, it retraces the pioneer trail through a volcanic cone, by a tunnel which was the first in the world to pierce such a formation, when the combined populations of Lyttelton and Christchurch numbered barely five thousand. In the second place, the new line gained, under Vogel, a more than local significance. For Lyttelton was, and still is, the zero milestone of the South Island railway system. All those going towards it are 'Up' trains and carry even numbers. All trains going from it are 'Down' trains, and carry odd numbers. Would that the whole system had been planned to the generous loading gauge of the Port Line! In the third place, the booklet commemorates the engine whose history, to quote S. H. Jenkinson, "is the history of New Zealand Railways." From the Foreword of this book. An additional stiff card cover has been hand stitched onto the actual booklet by a previous owner.
Book Condition:Very Good
Publisher:NZ Railway Loco. Society
Edition:Second Enlarged
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Stiif Card Covers
Publish Date:No Date