The Indignant Eye: The Artist as Social Critic
The Indignant Eye: The Artist as Social Critic. In Prints and Drawings from the Fifteenth Century to Picasso by Ralph E. Shikes. 'Artists have traditionally turned to printmaking to express their dissatisfaction with political and social injustice; print is better suited than any other medium to a memorable rendition of irony, caricature, and exposure of human folly. Shikes has organised his history and comment chronologically around the main topics of the artist's concerns. Beginning with the first stirrings of protest art among the late medieval Germanic masters, he goes on through the present to consider the artist of different periods and persuasions who have used their work to comment on the church, the nobility, social persecution, poverty, war, and hypocrisy.' A LARGE BOOK THAT WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL FREIGHT.
Author:Shikes, Ralph E.
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:Beacon Press, Boston
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:1976