Romanesque & Gothic: Decorative Metalwork
Romanesque and Gothic: Decorative Metal work and Ivory Carvings in the Museum of Scotland by Virginia Glenn. 'These examples of 12th-to 16th-century metalwork and ivory carving illustrate Scotland's history at a key period, when the nation was emerging as an independent entity with links across Europe. Some objects are imported, others show a keen awareness of foreign fashions, while a further group is uniquely Scottish in character. Many levels of society are represented. There are exquisite gold brooches fir for an elegant courtier and hoards of more mundane silver jewellery, hidden in times of trouble. Precious spoons, enamelled fittings and ivory chess pieces came from well appointed households. Simpler copper alloy vessels are evidence of rural and urban daily life.' A VERY LARGE BOOK THAT WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL FREIGHT.
Author:Glenn, Virginia
Book Condition:Very Good
Publisher:NMSE Publishing, Scotland
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Size:Folio (Large)
Publish Date:2003