Pictures from the Past: Otago & Southland
Pictures from the Past: Otago & Southland by Gordon Parry and Patricia Veltkamp. Pictures from the Past presents a fascinating collection of photographs from the first half of last century that makes for a lively look back at Otago and Southland, New Zealand. The images - which include the occasional glimpse from later in the twentieth century - provide intriguing comparison with the present-day and show something of the origins and development of the region. Here one can see the look of the original main streets, the early businesses and civic buildings, the region's people at work and play. Many of the book's vista will be familiar while others are less so, the streetscapes and landscapes they show now either long gone or changed beyond recognition. Many of the photographs have never been published before.
Author:Parry, Gordon & Patricia Veltk
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:Whitcoulls Publishing
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:2002