Guide Lines to Health: An Encyclopedia of Health, Disease
Guide Lines to Health: An Encyclopedia of Health, Diseases, Emergencies and First Aid by Dr H. B. Turbott (the Radio Doctor). 'Few homes, particularly where there are young children, can hope to go through the year without encountering household emergencies such as illness or injury of one kind or another. If the family doctor can come round right away, or at least give advice over the telephone, the emergency will at once be under control; but if lives miles away or cannot be contacted by telephone, where do you seek skilled medical advice? This book answers that question. It lists in alphabetical order the common illnesses and injuries that may confront an household, and describes their nature, the symptoms by which they can be identified, and the steps to be taken to deal with this situation.' (1969). The dust jacket has medium general wear with small chips and closed tears. The book remains tight and bright.
Author:Turbott, Dr H. B.
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:A. H. & A. W. Reed, NZ
Jacket Condition:Good Minus
Binding:Hard Cover
Publish Date:1969