Ice Road
Ice Road by Gillian Slovo. 'Leningrad. 1933. Loyalties, beliefs, love and family ties: all are about to be tested to the limit in a fight to see who will survive one of the most crushing moments the world will ever know. Boris Ivanov, the father who understands politics and pragmatism; his daughter Natasha, a carefree, delightful girl who will be almost crushed because of political compromises; Anton, Boris's oldest friend, who in an uncharacteristic moment saves a skinny little orphan he finds on the Moscow train; Anna, that tough intriguing child. And watching it all is the marvellous Irina. Wry, wise, ironic, Irina understands that simple loyalty to an individual may well be more powerful than blind loyalty to an idea.' The book has light general wear with some age stains down the page edges but overall a tight and bight copy,.
Author:Slovo, Gillian
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:Little Brown Books
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:2004