It's Your Money They're After
Its Your Money They're After by Dick Smithies."Chances are, you will be cheated out of $10,000 in your lifetime when buying goods and services. This book teaches you: How to recognise the ripoffs, 17 ways of getting a lower price, How and when to ask for your money back, How and when to demand a free repair or replacement, How to use the law to get matters put right. You will learn how some traders gang up on you to make you pay more; how some unscrupulous firms use legal threats to stifle public warnings about their activities. You will read horror tales of unsafe goods, heartless quackery, crafty sales pitches, manipulative advertising. This book is not just for reading. Use it day by day, use its advice: what are your rights when your bill comes to more than the quote you were given, when your repaired washing machine still fails to work properly, when your new carpet starts losing its pile, when the front seat of your car collapses beyond the guarantee, or your new sliding door leaks in storms.
Author:Smithies, Dick
Book Condition:Good
Publisher:George Allen & Unwin
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:1982