Keeping Your Children Safe Online
Keeping Your Children Safe Online by John Parsons. 'John Parsons is the country's leading authority on cyber-safety for children, and works nationwide with young people, parents, the police, teachers and the health sector. Based on years of frontline experience, John has developed a toolbox of highly practical, realistic and proven strategies foe both children and their caregivers. Keeping Your Children Safe Online explains how to: communicate with your child about their use of technology. keep family and friends safe in the digital world. teach your children to project power and control when online and maintain an acceptable level of screen time. The book also deals with specific issues such as preventing online sexual predation, sexting, cyber-bullying and other types of cyber-crime, as well as future-proofing your child's online reputation.
Author:Parsons, John
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:Potton & Burton
Edition:First Thus
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Location:New Arrivals
Publish Date:2017