Hunting Warbirds: The Obsessive Quest for the Lost
Hunting Warbirds: The Obsessive Quest for the Lost Aircraft of World War II by Carl Hoffman. 'In this riveting adventure of man, machine, and history, the quest for winged treasure ultimately extends far beyond the search for the Kee Bird. Hoffman literally crisscrosses the country to track down the key player in the high-stakes warbird game. He meets a retired Midwestern carpenter who crammed every inch of his yard with now-precious warbirds during the lean years when they were considered junk; attends any air show where crowds go wild at the sight of four of the fourteen air-worthy B-17s flying in formation; speaks to pilots and mechanics, millionaire businessmen and penniless kids - all of them ready to drop everything in pursuit of these fabled planes.' The book has light to medium general wear but remains tight and bright.
Author:Hoffman, Carl
Book Condition:Good
Publisher:Random House (AUS)
Edition:First Thus
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:2001