Absolutism in Seventeenth Century Europe
Absolutism in Seventeenth Century Europe. Edited by John Miller. 'The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe are often known as 'the age of absolution'. Monarchs struggled to weld disparate agglomerations of territory, acquired through inheritance or conquest, into coherent states and to mobilise their resources for war. They faced stubborn opposition from groups or regions determined to preserve a measure of autonomy - or privilege - against a ruler who might well be far distant and speak a different language. As they strove to extend their authority, kings (and their officials) adopted and elaborated a view of 'absolute' monarchy in which, while royal power was not unlimited or arbitrary, the king could and should override particular laws and interests when the general interest of the state and its people required it.'
Author:Miller, John (Editor)
Book Condition:Good Plus
Publisher:The Macmillan Press Ltd, UK
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:1993