Concorde: New Shape in the Sky
Concorde: New Shape in the Sky by Kenneth Owens. 'The Concorde supersonic airliner has aroused fierce arguments during its stormy 20-year history - avid enthusiasm from its supporters, opposition from environmentalists and economists, and a mixture of both from the general public. It is without any doubt an outstanding achievement in technology and has reduced airline operations at the speed of a bullet to a daily routine. This book is the story of that achievement, told largely in the words of those who were involved at the time as designers, pilots, managers and officials. Their words bring the project to life, and reveal the enormity of the technical challenge that they faced - hoe to build a passenger-carring vehicle that would survive the searing heat of air friction at twice the speed of sound, how to achieve performance when there was virtually no margins for error, how to tame the airflow through the power plant and how to enter this new realm of flight safety and reliably.' The book has medium general wear with creasing of the covers and some small staining along the page edges. The binding remains tight and the book most readable.
Author:Owen, Kenneth
Book Condition:Good
Publisher:Jane's Punlishing Co. London
Jacket Condition:None
Binding:Soft Cover
Publish Date:1987